Saturday, 28 January 2017

I never used to talk to people esplecialy new people, until last week and now I now why. I met a stranger who just seemed like home in an empty world, and I don't even know why, I don't know why I want him to know crevices of my brain I don't even dare to look in, or why when I'm with him the war I'm at with my own mind seems to cease. He's just so different to the rest of the clones, he buys things with his heart beat and deals with the currency of time in a place that never seems to stay still, he is a whole galaxy, made of earth and fair and wishes cast on stars, in a universe only focused on instagram likes, grades and fast cars. He has a soul when you're told it's a crime to have a heart. I thought I was the only one who felt things and listened to the universe so hard I heard the ringing between each word and took it as a sign I was being spoken to, who feels so deeply the world is too loud, that's till I met him.  The guy who writes poems that come from a soul so deep it dragged me in like a black hole,who lives a life so selfless, his whole self is just positive. When I sit in a tree and look out at the world under me I wonder if I could get so lost I would find myself, that's how I felt when his eyes locked mine. Now I'm well and truly lost with no hope of finding myself, he holds an ocean I seize but to him I'm just a droplet In an ever changing sea. Now I know why I don't talk to people, you can feel whatever you want for whomeever you want but so can they.

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