Saturday, 4 March 2017

Hi guys, this is the first part of a new series called "dear Duncs", which is a series of letters to my non biological brother, friend and self appointed fairy god brother, so here goes hope you enjoy.

Dear duncs, life is just going on like usual, its raining, i wake up, pull on my uniform, go to school, the same feeling of not overwhelming sadness but no where near happy, numbing me, then i come home eat sleep and then repeat it all. nothings really changing in my life, or the world, everything is the same, i have no news, hot gossip or interesting life insights to give you, which is kind of  boring, i know. but the most annoying thing is i see all of this positivity and exiting opportunities out there but i just cant reach them. i look around and all i see is empty people photographs without names, going through the same routine, they're all talking moving living and breathing but on the inside everyone seems dead. it seems like the more time that goes by the more everyone forgets about the very things that make us human, faith, passion, excitement and desires. i am just getting a little tired of having no news, waking up in a word i hate, performing meaningless deeds, making pathetic small talk pursuing empty dreams whilst searching for the real thing. one day the human race is going to break, from too long spent doing the same mind numbing thing. all searching for ways to feel the void inside: alcohol, endless texting, religion, drugs, mindless studying , whats the answer? we all just seem to live for temporary moments of happiness, the rel thing seems so elusive. the worst thing is no one ever talks about it, we have become accustomed to it or trained ourselves to suppress it because sadness means weakness.

sometimes i feel no one else gets it, but i think you will, like how it is okay to dream aslong as your dreams are not too big because remaining realistic is key, like every single hope, dream and aspiration has to fit into an already built box. everyone seems so out of touch with reality, you know?, eyes constantly fixed on their pones because our own realities are too meaningless. it feels like most people would settle and just survive rather than fight and know what it truly means to be alive. is it stupid that i crave more from life but i do not know what that more is? one day in my elderly life i just dont want to wake up and think i wasted my life away making do whilst i dream endless dreams, and ill only have myself to blame. i cant become that person, i know if i want to escape this same meaningless repetitive routine of life i need to change but i dont even know where to start.

i am gonna rap this up here, live a full life with a grateful heart, grab every opportunity that is yours to grab, stay safe and calmer than calm,
love your fave tree huger x

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